Theological Introduction

The teachings of Jesus and all of the Holy Scriptures promote stewardship as fundamental to our Christian faith. Our Judeo-Christian heritage leads to an understanding of stewardship as the responsible gratitude and relationship of trust for all of God’s many blessings.

A faithful response to this mandate includes a commitment to the highest ideals of stewardship by all parties to charitable giving, including the donor as well as the recipient ministry.

In order to ensure that such ideals are pursued for all gifts to be received whether as donee or trustee, GCFA commits itself to the responsible administration of all prospective gifts. GCFA understands this commitment to include careful examination of the actual condition, use and benefits of the gift taking into consideration all legal, ethical and practical aspects.

GCFA understands these considerations to be necessary steps toward the fulfillment of its own stewardship commitments, as well as those of the prospective donor. It is from this foundational understanding of stewardship, that GCFA adopts the policy.


  • GCFA Gift Acceptance Policy

    GCFA Gift Acceptance Policy

    The teachings of Jesus and all of the Holy Scriptures promote stewardship as fundamental to our Christian faith. Our Judeo-Christian heritage leads to an understanding of stewardship as the responsible gratitude and relationship of trust for all of God’s many blessings. A faithful response to this mandate includes a commitment to the highest ideals of stewardship by all parties to charitable giving, including the donor as well as the recipient ministry. In order to ensure that such ideals are pursued for all gifts to be received, whether as donee or trustee, GCFA commits itself to the responsible administration of all prospective gifts. GCFA understands this commitment to include careful examination of the actual condition, use and benefits of the gift taking into consideration all legal, ethical and practical aspects. GCFA understands these considerations to be necessary steps toward the fulfillment of its own stewardship commitments, as well as those of the prospective donor. It is from this foundational understanding of stewardship, that GCFA adopts the following policy.