What’s next for your youth at IGNITE?


Saturday night was a monumental moment in the lives of many of our students. Hundreds of young people at IGNITE were moved by God’s spirit and responded to the call to follow Jesus in their lives. Whether publicly or privately, hearts and minds were forever changed.

Youth from your congregation were a part of this powerful experience. After last night and the IGNITE weekend experience as a whole, the young people in your congregation may have many questions. Perhaps you might have some as well. So what happens next? How do we lead students in their next steps? Here are 5 important points to consider.

They are not alone

Invite the youth who attended IGNITE to share with you about their experience. Encourage them in their faith formation. Listen to their questions and help guide them in their discipleship.

This is just the beginning

As United Methodists, there are amazing resources available to young people to help them grow as disciples of Jesus. Check out these denomination resources: www.unitedmethodistyouthministry.org. Encourage them to follow up with IGNITE by getting on our mailing list. They should send an email to: ignite@gnjumc.org

Discipleship doesn’t happen in a vacuum

From the very earliest Christian communities, believers came together to hang out. Create space for your young people to hang out and share. We grow by reflecting on the Word of God, and where God is moving in our lives. Make a space where they are safe to fellowship, share, listen, lean, grow and have fun.

A life of following Jesus is marked by service to others

We grow spiritually when we put our faith into action. Engage your youth in service opportunities, organize a mission trips, or create opportunities at the local food pantry, nursing home, or through A Future With Hope.

Prayer is the most powerful gift

IGNITE 2016 was a transformational event. Pray that the young people who attended continue to experience God’s grace and love. Pray that they mature and grow in their faith and follow God’s calling. Pray that they may find fellowship, friends, unity, peace, and oneness in a church family. Pray that they might also serve and reach others.

Together in the journey,