Essential Actions and Updates for March 23, 2021

March 23, 2021 | COVID-19, Essential Actions, GNJ News

Dear GNJ Leaders and our congregations,

In GNJ we have committed to work toward ending the sin of racism. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those who have been victims of racism, especially the families of our Asian brothers and sisters who are facing a rising wave of violence during the pandemic. The following are essential actions and information for this week. We encourage you to read this information carefully as it impacts your congregations and your communities.

1. Reminder: GNJ Staff Renewal Time All Clergy and Laity
The GNJ staff renewal leave will be March 29 – April 5. If possible, please address any concerns you may have prior to March 26. Staff will return any phone call or email as soon as possible after they return on April 6. In the event of an emergency, please contact Director of Human Resources and Superintending Support Team Jay Kim at or 732-272-4156.

2. New Vaccine Locations & Free Transportation All Clergy and Laity
NJ Gov. Murphy said the state is roughly halfway to its initial goal of vaccinating 4.7 million people with just over 3.5 million doses having been administered. For all the latest updates related to the vaccine, including new federal vaccination sites opening up in Pleasantville and Newark later this month as well as a free transportation service for Medicaid recipients, click here. Additional details in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, including educational resources to share with your congregations, are also available there.

3. Leadership Survey Open Until March 30 All Clergy and Laity
GNJ leadership’s latest leadership survey is open to both clergy and laity. We value your responses as we work toward providing you with the resources you need to do spirit-filled ministry and mission. We ask that you return the survey, which should take about 15 minutes, no later than March 30. Please complete the survey here.

4. NJVOAD & AFWH Share Updates on Rental Assistance All Clergy and Laity
The NJ Department of Community Affairs yesterday opened its COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program – Phase II (CVERAP-2) for applications. Tenants in need of assistance with rental arrears or future rent who have experienced an economic impact due to the pandemic may apply. Landlords may apply on behalf of their tenants with the tenant’s permission. Information on the program and the online application portal can be found here.

In Christ,

GNJ Leadership

Quick links to information in this email:
Vaccination/Reopening Updates
Leadership Survey
NJVOAD & AFWH Share Updates on Rental Assistance