Nyasinde Pablo photo

GNJ team visits Tanzania’s UMC’s new church, annual conference and pastors school

May 28, 2024 |

Weeks after a newly built United Methodist church ascended from the ground in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania—with yellow walls, turquoise roofs and the UMC’s cross and red flame—a team of Greater New Jersey Conference leaders, who helped build that church, descended from the sky, landing there May 25. They came to attend the Tanzania Annual Conference session as guests and then to teach in the conference’s annual Pastors School, on behalf of the United Methodists of Greater New Jersey.

GNJ Bishop John Schol and his team were welcomed, as they enjoyed the hospitality of their grateful hosts—grateful for the $110,000 GNJ had successfully raised to erect the UM Church in Bamia and to help pay Tanzanian pastors a living wage for the next two years.

“With your help, our faith, hope and the Gospel will be advanced in that Tanzanian community,” wrote Fernando Matsimbe, a Global Ministries missionary. “Indeed, the seed planted continues bearing good fruits for the Kingdom! Glory be to God and thanks to the generosity of the people called Methodist from the Greater New Jersey Conference!”

Also, read: GNJ-Tanzania UM friendship grows with funding for new church and pastors.

We will share more information, insights and images from this journey of faith and friendship after the team returns June 5. Stay tuned.