Lay Servant Class

Basic Lay Servant Class | Hybrid

Saturdays, September 21 & 28, 9:30 am-12:30 pm on Zoom
Saturday, October 5, 10 am – 1 pm in person at Roselle United Methodist Church (214 Sheridan Ave, Roselle, NJ 07203)
This class includes a group project which will be presented on the last day of in-person class.
Instructor: Rev. Peggy Holder
Click here to register


Mondays, October 28 – November 25, 7-9 pm on Zoom
Instructor: Rev. Walt Kellen
Click here to register

Required Reading: Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course Participant’s Book by Sandy Jackson & Brian Jackson
To order book:
Contact Creed Pogue ( Cost is $5. Also available at ($9.29) or Amazon ($8.49).

Advanced/Certified Classes

ADVANCED/CERTIFIED Courses (2 options) | via Zoom

Option 1: Leading Public Prayer

Wednesdays, Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30 6:30-8:30 pm on Zoom
Instructor: Rev. Jennifer Lovallo
Click here to register


Mondays, October 28 – November 25, 7-9 pm on Zoom
Instructor: Rev. Bob Costello
Click here to register

Required Reading 

Shaping the Prayers of the People: The Art of Intercession by Samuel Wells and Abigail Kocher
Available at $14.99, (ePub $16.99)


Amazon: $15.12, (kindle $12.99)

OPTION 2: Teaching Biblical Faith: Leading Small Group Studies

Mondays, September 30 – October 28, from 6:00-8:00 pm on Zoom
Instructor: Rev. Wil Wilson
Click here to register

Required Reading

Teaching Biblical Faith: Leading Small Groups Bible Studies by Jack L. Seymour
Available at Cokesbury: $11.99, (ePub, $12.79)


Amazon $12.09 (kindle $11.49)