GNJ Order of Elders sponsors monthly spiritual retreat

September 17, 2024 | | GNJ News

The first Order of Elders Mini-Retreat took place last week. Led by Peter Jamieson, clergy spent time engaged in a couple of prayer practices designed to increase mindfulness and center souls in the presence of God.

For the first exercise Peter sent everyone out to find a comfortable space to practice contemplative prayer, the practice of being silent before God. Don’t be anxious when your mind wanders, he urged the group, instead use a centering word or phrase to bring yourself back to the present moment.

Clergy spread out across the church property to sit in silence with the Holy Spirit in whatever space felt right to them. After twenty minutes, Peter rang a singing bowl, inviting everyone to come inside and share what the experience was like for them. One clergy person shared that while she has initially chosen a different centering word, the word she ended up using was “bask.” She sat in the sun, and every time she felt anxious about all that she had to do, every time her fingers itched to pick up her phone, she reminded herself to bask in the present moment, and in the delight of God’s presence….