Appointment Making Values
Clergy and Congregational Uniqueness Values
Matching Gifts, Graces and Strengths
The cabinet will assess the gifts, graces and strengths of both clergy and congregations to prayerfully match clergy and congregations so that they serve together to bear fruit for the mission of Jesus Christ.
Caring for Personal and Family Needs
The cabinet recognizes the personal and family needs of clergy are important and will take these needs into consideration when appointing clergy. We also take into consideration the needs of congregations and care deeply about growing vital congregations.
Multiculturalism and Inclusiveness
The cabinet understands that all people are God’s handiwork and embraces the gifts and uniqueness of all cultural backgrounds. We seek to grow the diversity of our congregations and conference and make appointments that affirm the diversity of God’s creation as we embrace an attitude of open minds, hearts and doors.
Clergy and Congregation Engagement Values
Integrity and Honesty
The appointment process is undergirded when the cabinet, the congregation and the pastor share forthrightly their needs, gifts and challenges. We invite everyone to share openly and honestly the full range of information that is essential to making faithful and fruitful appointments.
Connectionalism and Itinerancy
United Methodist congregations are connected together by a common mission and open itinerancy. In our denomination, pastors agree to itinerate among churches and congregations agree to receive pastors as the bishop appoints clergy in ministry. The cabinet commits to consultation with pastors and congregations prior to an appointment and to work with pastors and congregations following the appointment.
Excellence, Effectiveness and Fruitfulness
The cabinet reviews the effectiveness of pastors and congregations as they serve together and how they seek excellence in their service to God. We anticipate that pastors will continually grow their gifts and improve their leadership and that congregations will grow as a community of faith and improve their mission and witness in the world. We will evaluate the potential fruitfulness of an appointment and the fruitfulness of existing appointments.
Conflict Resolution
The cabinet encourages and expects congregations and pastors to take risks and they will change together to better serve the world. We also recognize this will create conflict and expect pastors and congregations to exemplify Christ as they work together to resolve differences.