GNJUMC, Annual Conference 2024

Dear Clergy of Greater New Jersey,

We are excited to gather with you this Saturday for Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi’s Service of Welcome at Calvary Korean United Methodist Church in East Brunswick, NJ. Below are key details to help you prepare for the day:


In addition to the parking lot at Calvary, the Aldersgate United Methodist Church lot next door is also available for overflow. While the Calvary lot is spacious, if you are able and willing to park at Aldersgate and walk the extra distance, it will allow those who need closer parking to have access. Thank you for your thoughtfulness!


When you arrive at Calvary Korean UMC, please head to the gymnasium on the second floor of the Vision Center (the educational building to the left). Bring your robe and red stole if appropriate. Please note that ALL are welcome to participate in the processional even without a robe—we understand not all clergy may have one. If you aren’t robing, you may choose to wear a clerical collar.

Line-up for the processional will begin at 10:00 am. We appreciate your patience as we organize the participants in a specific order. Please note, pews will be filled as efficiently as possible. Even if you arrive with someone, you may be seated separately due to available space—but rest assured, you’ll have the opportunity to reconnect during lunch!

The service will begin promptly at 10:30 am, with the processional moving from the gymnasium of the Vision Center to the Sanctuary, involving a brief walk outside.

Personal Items

You may leave coats, bags, and other personal items in the gymnasium, as the luncheon will also be held there following the service.

Special Offering

There will be a special offering during the service to support youth attending EPA Camp & Retreat Ministries and the IGNITE Youth Conference. Checks may be made out to GNJUMC with Memo: Youth Scholarships IGNITE/Camping. There will also be an online giving option during the service.

We look forward to worshiping and celebrating together!

Megan McKay
Annual Conference Stage Manager