Stewardship | Disciples Giving Generously
Stewardship Foundation hits $55 million on June 9 for the first time!
The Foundation hit this record amount due to good performance from Wespath and the opening of new accounts, said Rev. Jana Purkis-Brash.
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Commitment to faith comes in many forms.
Stewardship is an outward expression of our faith commitment as Christians. A congregation who embraces an intentional stewardship program will have the resources to live out their ministry in the community and the world. Many people in our congregations are uncomfortable talking about stewardship, tithing and financial issues. Yet, we can only grow in our faith if we use all of our gifts and resources. That’s why we have stewardship resources to help.
We can support congregations looking to explore starting or growing a stewardship program so that all of our gifts and graces can be used to help make Disciples of Christ and transform the world. On the links below, you will find resources on Adam Hamilton’s book, Enough and information on shared ministries to use in worship.
Click here for a Relay article on “Sustaining Stewardship: Connecting With Donors”
For more information on giving generously, contact: