GNJ Font Usage
Primary Fonts
Primary fonts for the body of letters and emails should be: Calibri 11 pt. size.
Usage Tips:
- Use only the font weights listed here.
- Calibri may be used as a headline text in 14 pt. size in GNJ branded red and black.
- Do not use all caps in body of letters or emails.
- Italics may be used to highlight a segments in the body of text or a scripture.
- Body text should be Calibri Regular, 11pt. size.
Secondary Fonts
Secondary font for headline text should be: Franklin Gothic Meduim 14 pt. size. Sub headline text should be: Franklin Gothic Medium 12 pt. size.
Usage Tips:
- Use only the font weights listed here.
- Headline text should be 14 pt. size in GNJ branded red and black.
- Sub headline text should be 12 pt. size in GNJ branded red and black. Click here for more information about branded color palette.