Notice of Passing: Rev. Barbara Rambach, Retired Elder

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Notice of Passing: Rev. William S. Reasner

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Notice of Passing: Ruth Propert Taenzer, Retired Elder

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Notice of Passing: Bernard James Shropshire, Retired

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Notice of Passing: WhaSei Park Kim, spouse of Retired Full Elder Rev. Hae-Jong Kim

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Notice of Passing: Rev. Dean Lanning, Retired Local Pastor

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Notice of Passing: Beverly Jones, Retired Local Pastor

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Notice of Passing: Rev. Myrna Lynn Bethke, Full Elder and District Superintendent

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Notice of Passing: Gloria Smith, Surviving Spouse of Rev. Norman E. Smith

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Notice of Passing: William J. Hockenjos, Spouse of Retired Deacon, Norma M. Hockenjos

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