Notice of Passing: Elizabeth Brown, Surviving Spouse of Retired Robert H. Brown

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Notice of Passing: Dale Overcash, Spouse of Retired Full Elder J. D. Overcash

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Notice of Passing: Gertrude Griffith, Surviving Spouse of Rev. John P. Griffith

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Notice of Passing: Rev. Richard Dudinak, Retired Elder

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Notice of Passing: Cathryn E. Marino

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Notice of Passing: William G. Chew, Retired Local Pastor

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Notice of Passing: Rev. James Dewart, Retired Elder

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Notice of Passing: John Cameron Horne, Spouse of Retired Full Elder, Betty A. Horne

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Notice of Passing: Rev. Layton Anderson, Retired Elder

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Notice of Passing: Rev. George N. Frederick, Retired Elder

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