Notice of Passing: Rev. Charles H. Mayer, Retired Full Elder

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Notice of Passing: Carol White, Surviving spouse of Pastor Johnnie R. White

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Notice of Passing: Rev. John Q. Taylor, Retired Elder

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Notice of Passing: Rev. Mark Harris Earl, Retired Elder

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Notice of Passing: Pastor Raul Terrero, Retired Local Pastor, Spouse of Rev. Delta Terrero

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Notice of Passing: Marion Rutan, Surviving Spouse of Rev. Robert Miller Rutan

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Notice of Passing: Julia Garrett, Surviving Spouse of Rev. Curtis Garrett

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Notice of Passing: Dorothy Parr, Surviving Spouse of Rev. James Archie Parr

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Notice of Passing: Barbara Koch, Spouse of Retired Elder John Koch

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Notice of Passing: Ruth Sunarko Leono, Spouse of Retired Elder Henry Leono

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