Notice of Passing: Hewitt Williams, Spouse of Rosa Williams, Conference Lay Leader

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Notice of Passing: John Farquharson Dow, Retired Elder

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Notice of Passing: Samuel Preston, Spouse of Retired Full Elder Margaret Frances Preston

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Notice of Passing: Nancy T. Sturdivant, Retired Full Elder

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Notice of Passing: Sheila Jackson, Former Lay member to Annual Conference

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Notice of Passing: Janice (Potter) Dorchester, Surviving Spouse of Douglas F. Dorchester

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Notice of Passing: Brian Grant Eble, Retired Elder

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Notice of Passing: Lester W. Guilfoyle Jr., Retired Local Pastor

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Notice of Passing: Rev. Dr. Eldrich Campbell, Retired Elder

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Notice of Passing: Rev. Eugene W. Hamilton, Retired Full Elder

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