United Methodists are making a difference. During Covid-19:
• We are a vibrant worshiping community using the latest technology
• We are reaching out to the sick and the lonely using the latest technology
• We are Bible and small groups enthusiasts, creating new online experiences
• We are food depots, healthy mask makers, prayer partners, health care worker applauders
• We are givers, finding new ways to give generously online
• We are evangelists, inviting new people and family members to worship with us online
• We are modeling safe distancing and responsible ministry online
• We are United Methodists
During a season of pain, fear and illness, you have been hope and healing. You have been the body of Christ. Thank you for your faithfulness, your ingenuity and commitment to be Christ Jesus in action. Jesus told us in Matthew 25, when you serve the sick, you have served me, when you have served the least, you serve me, when you serve those bound by loneliness and anxiety you serve me.
You and the church will not be the same once we defeat Covid-19. We will learn how resilient God has made us and that we can engage in ministry in new ways. We will discover our Wesleyan roots that know no bounds, but like our founder John Wesley, we will find our way to where the people are and nourish their souls and heal their bodies and minds. We cannot go back to business as usual, but we can use this season to see and understand where God is calling us to next. Let’s travel together. GNJ is here to assist you through this season and to support you in discovering what God has next.