Even the Hair on Your Head

June 30, 2020 | | Deepen Faith

If there is one thing that people have truly missed since we have been in this more than one hundred-day statewide restrictions because of the pandemic, it has been getting a haircut. Which got me to thinking of what Jesus said that “even the hairs of your head are all counted.” It came out of a discussion where Jesus was sharing that we should not be worrying about what can destroy the body but who has authority over our very soul. And what Jesus was getting at was God values what God has created, especially us, to the point that even the hairs on our head are numbered. You are of great value to God! When was the last time someone mentioned that to you?

God values us so that when one of us is sick like our sister, Myrna Bethke, we need to be lifting her and others daily to the one who not only created us but can bring healing and hope. God values us so when one is hungry, homeless or neglected, it is God’s hand of compassion that moves us to offer up our bag lunch of a few pieces of bread and fish to witness the miraculous that is done when we share. God values us so that when one is a victim of racism either by an individual, institution, or society, we become the feet and voice that God uses to speak of how we are all made in the image of the Eternal. God values us so that our failures are not fatal, that forgiveness is forever, and life is not futile but was given with meaning and purpose. God values us so much that God would give us “his only son so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”

So, go look in the mirror, and tell yourself you are of great value to God. And then go into the world and look at every face God places before you and realize that is your brother/sister who God calls us all to value. And while you are at it, make a hair appointment, God has been doing a lot of counting.