he first Order of Elders Mini-Retreat took place last week. Led by Rev. Peter Jamieson, clergy spent time engaged in a couple of prayer practices designed to increase mindfulness and center souls in the presence of God.
For the first exercise, Jamieson sent everyone out to find a comfortable space to practice contemplative prayer, which is the practice of being silent before God. “Don’t be anxious when your mind wanders,” he urged the group; “instead, use a centering word or phrase to bring yourself back to the present moment.”
Clergy spread out across the church property to sit in silence with the Holy Spirit in whatever space felt right to them. After twenty minutes, Peter rang a singing bowl, inviting everyone to come inside and share what the experience was like for them. One clergy person shared that while she had initially chosen a different centering word, the word she ended up using was “bask.” She sat in the sun, and every time she felt anxious about all that she had to do, every time her fingers itched to pick up her phone, she reminded herself to bask in the present moment and in the delight of God’s presence.
After processing their experience together and sharing honestly about the joys and struggles of silent prayer, Rev. Jamieson sent the group out with another exercise in mindfulness. “It’s a beautiful day. Go outside and notice things you wouldn’t normally see. Take a picture and bring it back to share with us.”
Once again, clergy took to the great outdoors, this time not seeking silence per se, but an encounter with something they might normally miss. After twenty minutes, the singing bowl called the group back together. Everyone was eager to share what they saw. Several noticed that there was a bamboo grove growing in one corner of the lot. Others noticed the variety of native plants that grew on the property. Another noticed a tree where a single trunk had split into two smaller trunks, but rather than split off and go in separate directions, the branches had instead continued to grow straight up, quite close to one another. The images shared led to new insights as the group pondered the hidden thread of meaning behind all that they saw.
The session closed with a round of singing and Holy Communion, during which each person present recited part of the communion liturgy together. Together, they broke bread, sharing Christ’s love with one another, and then departed in peace.
It was a simple format, but its beauty was found in its simplicity. Rev. Todd Lattig posted about the event later, sharing, “So…did a thing today. Went to an Order of Elders mini-spiritual retreat and spent time practicing mindfulness and contemplation! It was a blessing! To all of my GNJ clergy friends and colleagues out there… These images were things I was mindful of…including bamboo growing at the corner of a parking lot! It’s amazing what we miss in life when we fail to be mindful. Keep on the lookout; more are coming, and they are very beneficial.”
There are indeed more opportunities to connect with God and with one another. The next mini-retreat is scheduled for Wednesday, October 16th, at Absecon UMC from 12:30 to 3:30 PM. Keep a lookout for more information.