“Bishop Cynthia Moore Koikoi”
B- rilliantly leading with grace,
I – nspiring others with her vision,
S – haring wisdom and compassion,
H – eartfelt in every interaction,
O – pen to new ideas and perspectives,
P – assionate about making a difference.
C -ourageous in her pursuits,
Y – earning for growth and understanding,
N – urturing those around her,
T – ransforming challenges into opportunities,
H – olding steadfast to her values,
I – nviting collaboration and unity,
A – lways striving for excellence.
M – otivated by a deep sense of purpose,
O – ptimistic about the future,
O – ffering support and encouragement,
R – esilient in the face of adversity,
E – mpowering others to shine.
K – ind-hearted and generous,
O – pen-minded in her approach,
I – nfluencing change with integrity,
K – eeping her community connected,
O – ptimizing every opportunity,
I – lluminating paths for others to follow.