Marlton UMC Creates Story Gallery to Cultivate Generosity

February 20, 2025 |

On Sunday, March 24, 2024, Rev. Jesse Ruch stood to ask his congregation one important question: “What does the community of Marlton United Methodist Church mean to you?” It wasn’t an idle question, but an intentional first step toward cultivating deeper gratitude and generosity in the life of the congregation.

That question was the heart of Rev. Ruch’s sermon that day. The rest was the work of the people. Each person was invited to take ten minutes to anonymously write down what the church meant to them and then place their paper on the altar. The stories were collected and posted around the sanctuary as part of the worship experience. Worshipers were invited to walk around the space like an art gallery and read the anonymous stories. “We then took some time for reflection on the stories they read and what stood out to them,” shared Alyssa Ruch.

Here are a few of their stories:

“The Marlton United Methodist Church community is my second family. The people have supported me in my journey of life. By sharing God’s story in Bible studies, showing love and care for members and people in need, they have helped me see how I can share the blessings God has given me with others. I praise God for placing me in this church.”

“When I think of my children and their baptisms, I will always think of this church. These are people who have loved and prayed for my kids, my husband, and me. Over the years, this church has made me happy, sad, frustrated, joyful, irritated, comforted, and all things in between. But at the end of the day, I will pray for these people, and I know they pray for me.”

“One of my favorite stories from MUMC is being invited to the Women’s Tea for Christmas last year. Everyone was so welcoming and kind, and all of the women had a great time. It was nice to celebrate the holidays together, share stories, bond as women in the church, and help the community by collecting donations for other women in need. It means a lot to be together and help the community at the same time.”

It was a memorable experience. “People responded positively to reading the stories of others. I think some were surprised by the stories, as it allowed them to ‘hear’ from individuals within the congregation whom they do not normally interact with, specifically some of our youngest disciples.”

The story gallery didn’t end when the worship service concluded—each handwritten response was collected and bound into a booklet that anyone can borrow from the church office. It’s a living testament to the impact Marlton UMC has made in the lives of its members.

The storytelling gallery was meant to inspire generosity as Marlton UMC continues to raise funds for its capital campaign—and indeed, it has made an impact—but more than that, the storytelling gallery revealed something surprising. The congregation’s most meaningful moments weren’t the Christmas Eve services or the high holy days; it was the acts of everyday faithfulness that mattered the most. Showing up for each other through thick and thin, creating space for one another, blessing each other so that they could be equipped to be blessings to others—these were the themes that emerged again and again.

May God grant us grace to learn from this creative experiment in cultivating generosity and to remember that faithfully showing up for one another in the small moments is often the thing that matters the most.