From Trenton to Tanzania, the Pine Barrens to Puerto Rico, local churches in Greater New Jersey are making Miracles Everywhere. The global campaign with local roots supports vital missions like the continuing work of A Future With Hope to renew communities across GNJ, creating new disciples with Next Generation Ministries, and providing hurricane relief alongside UMCOR.
Micháela Murray-Nolan, Director of Development for the United Methodist Stewardship Foundation of Greater New Jersey has support for churches who want to participate in Miracles Everywhere, but are concerned about other budget needs. She has cultivated the “Miracles and More” concept for churches to include their own current capital, operating, or mission needs in a Miracles Everywhere campaign.
She says, “The result is that congregations are motivated to grow their own church and global missions in one united movement. Committing to a three-year plan will result in larger gifts as people are inspired to give more and work together toward their common goal.”
Murray-Nolan knows this because she has spent a career fundraising as the executive director of Kids Corporation in Newark, an educational and healthcare nonprofit serving the city’s neediest children and families. She has other creative ideas to help churches manage the campaign including:
special collections that customize the campaign for the community
testimony about helping bring dignity to marginalized people in our communities, giving opportunities for youth to learn and grow, and sharing God’s abundant gifts with the neediest among us.
family events that celebrate the launch and milestones of the campaign
volunteer opportunities for hands-on experience to connect with the ministry.
thanking members three times (in addition to their quarterly statements)
when they pledge
when they remit their pledge
when their pledge is fulfilled.
asking members to continue their giving (at the level of their Miracles Everywhere pledge) to the church stewardship campaign.
“Congregations can be revitalized by running a mission campaign and Miracles Everywhere has all the elements to support local ministry and mission,” says Murray-Nolan.
Murray-Nolan knows that each congregation is unique. She is available to help congregations make their own plan to run a campaign and enhance their stewardship.