Greetings from St. Louis where Greater New Jersey United Methodists are participating in the Special Session of General Conference to discern our way forward.
Our first day together was spent in prayer. Together, the 864 delegates from around the world, along with over a thousand reserve delegates and observers, joined together in prayer for the work that is before us. Some observations from our delegates include:
Rosa Willliams, Lay Delegate and GNJ Lay Leader: Praying with United Methodists from each region of the world around helped focus on the challenges each of us face in our own countries, conferences and communities.
Tom Lank, Chair of the Clergy Delegation: The day was useful for setting the groundwork for the difficult work before us. It helped us to see each other in all of our diversity.
Eunice Vega-Perez, Clergy Delegate: When we sang How Great Thou Art in different languages, the tears were streaming from my eyes. How Great Thou Art was my mother’s favorite hymn and I could feel her presence surround me as I sang the verses in Spanish while a soloist led the delegates in Russian.
The Bishop and Beverly Schol hosted a luncheon for delegates, reserves and other United Methodists from GNJ who are here in reserve, observing as visitors or serving in other capacities. We are especially thankful to Gina Yeske who is serving as a Spiritual Director in the Prayer Room.
The entire delegation asks that you keep us and all of the delegates in prayer as we move forward to the legislative sessions ahead.