The Disabilities Ministry Committee of the UMC is constantly at work educating churches and annual conferences on how to eliminate barriers that prevent those with disabilities from participating in the life of the church. Their work is vital, but often goes unseen.
The Disabilities Ministry Committee of the UMC provides grants to help congregations renovate their buildings to be more accessible. They also provide grants to empower inclusive ministry practices.
Rev. Monica Guepet, co-chair of the Disabilities Team in EPA, shares the way the grants make an impact in the local church and globally. “Through the work of the General Church disabilities Ministry grants, a church was begun specifically for those who are deaf and hard of hearing at First United Methodist Church of Dar Es Salaam. People who previously were not included are now able to access the word of God.”
Beyond providing grants to support inclusive ministries and improve accessibility within the local church, the Disability Ministries Committee creates resources to educate congregations on best practices for including those with physical, developmental, and emotional disabilities. Their resources equip churches to more fully welcome people of all abilities and sensory needs, and their families, into the life of the church.
Now here’s where the help part comes in. The Disability Ministries Committee of the UMC is asking for every church to contribute $5 towards its ministry. For the cost of two cups of coffee you can help fund this vital ministry. Donate here today.