Undies for Easter: A Challenger Emerges

March 19, 2025

We are pleased to share that packages of undies are making their way to the conference office. Week by week we are adding more underwear to the closet. You have heard our call for compassion and are responding and we are grateful.

While the closet is slowly filling, we are not quite halfway to our goal of providing 2,000 briefs, shirts, and socks packages. With just a few weeks left until Holy Week, we were beginning to get anxious. Fortunately, a generous benefactor has emerged with an energizing challenge. They will match every package of undershirts purchased, up to 75 packages. That means, if you go to our Amazon Gift List, today, right now, and purchase one package of undershirts, it’s as if you are purchasing two. The challenger will only match purchases until April 8, so don’t wait.

For the cost of a few cups of coffee, you can make a difference in the life of someone who finds themselves in the carceral system. Please ensure that the underwear makes its way to EPA’s conference office, 980 Madison Avenue, Norristown, PA, by Palm Sunday. Items will be packed and delivered during Holy Week.

Help us hit 150 more by contributing through our Amazon Gift List. Your support makes a difference. Thank you!