What’s Next for Next Gen?

August 21, 2024 |

Eric Drew officially began his role as Executive Director of Next Generation Ministries on August 15. Today we trace the evolution of Next Gen and hear responses from Eric to some anticipated questions.

The Evolution of Next Gen

As other conferences throughout the jurisdiction began to express interest in hosting their own IGNITE weekends, the EPA & GNJ Joint extended cabinets sat down to draft a proposal called the “Next Gen Expansion Plan.” This plan recognized the missional call to take the IGNITE Conference, IGNITE communities, and youth leader coaching that served GNJ well in the past into other annual conferences across the jurisdiction.

This plan was presented to the Next Generation Board at their meeting on June 13. The board refined the plan and then approved it. The Human Resource Committees of EPA & GNJ reviewed and approved it. The CFA & CCFA of EPA & GNJ reviewed and approved the plan.

A key component of this proposal was a request to EPA & GNJ to move towards a single Director of Connectional Ministries (DCM) to oversee both conferences, which would enable GNJ to allocate two-years of GNJ’s DCM salary to invest in Next Generation Ministries’ new iteration.  The Connectional Tables of both EPA & GNJ each met and approved sharing a single DCM across both conferences.

Rev. Dawn Taylor-Storm’s new position was announced August 7. Eric Drew then interviewed for and received the position of Executive Director of Next Generation Ministries.

Today we hear from Eric himself how this change came about and what the impact this change will have on the youth and young adult ministry of GNJ.


Q: Why is Next Gen going to become its own non-profit? Doesn’t GNJ own Next Gen?  

Eric Drew: The non-profit organization actually goes back more than 30 years; it was originally the Conference Commission on Camps and Retreats (CCCR). In 2017, after significant listening and strategic planning with Ministry Architects, GNJ committed to a 10-year Next Generation Ministry Plan. The Next Gen Ministry Plan renamed the non-profit organization CCCR to be Next Generation Ministries with the purpose of aligning and coordinating all youth, campus and camping and retreat ministry; one of the phrases we used at that time was that Next Gen was the “umbrella” which led and coordinated these activities. So GNJ has been in partnership with a separate non-profit, first for camping and then all ministry with the next generation of disciples, for a long time now.

We have learned so much since the launch of that plan in 2017. We have seen the IGNITE Conference reach nearly 10,000 young people and start or restart 60 youth groups. We have seen the challenges and inability to have sustainable camp and retreat ministry at our facilities which had aged significantly. Recently, more partnerships and collaborations have begun to emerge. EPA has 4 excellent camp and retreat centers and over the past year our churches have sent groups to retreat and summer camps. Several years ago, we began working with the New York Annual Conference to participate in some of the planning and attend IGNITE. Most recently, we were contacted by the Peninsula-Delaware and Baltimore-Washington Annual Conferences asking if we could help them bring an IGNITE Conference to Ocean City, MD.

The church in the USA has been consolidating, but God is not done with us yet! These partnerships and collaborations are helping us to see that although many of our churches and Annual Conferences have fewer financial resources to invest, we have so much more when we work together. As a non-profit organization, Next Generation Ministries is able to continue its strong youth programs, especially IGNITE and IGNITE Communities, in EPA&GNJ and beyond. By doing this, we’re able to share not only what is working to raise up new generations of disciples, but also the costs. And in addition to cost sharing, additional grant and fundraising opportunities are available.

Q: What does this change mean for the youth and young adult ministry of GNJ? Who will plan and facilitate Ignite Communities for GNJ? What will happen to the Cultivate Internship?

Eric Drew: This will strengthen youth and young adult ministry in EPA&GNJ because Next Gen will focus fully on supporting congregations to reach young people through IGNITE, IGNITE Communities and investing in more key leaders. As the Executive Director of Next Gen, I am so excited to work with IGNITE Communities so that churches who are struggling to connect with youth on their own have support, community and find ways to work together. We continue to be in partnership with Mosaic and EPA&GNJ’s efforts so that Cultivate internships continue to bless young people and local churches.

Q: In the Vision and Mission statement, you mention that Next Gen will provide youth leader coaching. Who will provide that coaching?

Eric Drew: One of the things that I am most excited about in this transition is the ability to do more coaching. I believe so much in the power of coaching to bring transformation that at the beginning of this year I completed my Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential with the International Coaching Federation. I am excited to bring my passion for ministry with young people and coaching together for group and individual coaching.

As I have more conversations with pastors and other leaders in congregations, I see so much interest and potential in coaching. I envision that as Next Gen expands, we will bring on additional coaches for groups and individuals.

Q: How can we pray for you?

Eric Drew: I believe that we are just at the beginning of a major move of God in and through the next generation of disciples. Thank you for your prayers! Please pray for this next generation first; it is such a hard time to be growing up and research continues to show that young people are struggling with anxiety, depression and a lack of connection.

As disciples of Jesus, we have the greatest and most important message in the world! We are called to pray for and support young people so that we find opportunities to share this love and hope we have.

Please pray for IGNITE in Wildwood this year; the dates are October 11-13 and we’ll have a thousand or more young people for inspiring worship, relevant messages, community and a lot of fun. Pray that churches, young people and leaders arrive well and experience the power of the Holy Spirit and message of Jesus that helps them see and find this great love. Pray for Next Generation Ministries; as God opens doors, opportunities and possibilities may we dream big, follow faithfully, lead courageously, be good stewards and always pray first.

And finally, selfishly, if you’re praying for me, pray for my family and that I may continue to focus on the most important things: relationship with Jesus, my family, and God’s direction.

To connect with Eric Drew directly, you can reach him at his new email: eric@nextgeneration.church. For more information about the exciting developments with Next Generation Ministries, visit their new website at nextgeneration.church. And don’t forget to register today for the IGNITE Youth Conference happening in Wildwood, NJ on October 11-13, 2024. Early registration discounts are available until September 15—secure your spot at ignitenj.org.