Showing 1061 - 1070 of 1118
  1. Notice of Passing: Rev. Myrna Lynn Bethke, Full Elder and District Superintendent

  2. Notice of Passing: William J. Hockenjos, Spouse of Retired Deacon, Norma M. Hockenjos

  3. coronavirus. Police using protection methods to avoid contagion by coronavirus

    Keeping Their Communities Safe

  4. Notice of Passing: Dale Overcash, Spouse of Retired Full Elder J. D. Overcash

  5. Notice of Passing: Janice (Potter) Dorchester, Surviving Spouse of Douglas F. Dorchester

  6. Notice of Passing: Rev. Dr. Eldrich Campbell, Retired Elder

  7. Shifting the Urgent in Advent

  8. Generous $10,000 Gift Helps Launch ‘Maker’s Place’ in Trenton

  9. Pastor Carmine Coppola

  10. Rev. Dr. Rollo Michael