Showing 141 - 150 of 803
  1. Greater NJ Annual Conference for the UMC {2017}

©2017 Shari DeAngelo

    A Journey of Hope - ACTing to End the Sin of Racism

  2. Essential Actions and Updates for Dec 1, 2020


  4. Christ Church Feeds its Community with Cans, Crops and Love

  5. The Wesleyan Way

  6. Hector Burgos Elected Bishop: Becomes first Hispanic Bishop in NEJ

  7. Celebrating Clergywomen during Women’s History Month, Part 2

  8. Volunteering with the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico: How to Get Your Church Involved

  9. GNJ’s Disaster Case Management: Being a Light in the Darkness, Part 2*

  10. St. Andrews Clothing Ministry Meet Growing Need