Showing 161 - 170 of 339
  1. GNJ visitors see Deaf ministry vision in Tanzania

  2. A Poet Among the Homeless in Camden

  3. GNJ UMC Seeks Case Manager for A Future With Hope

  4. United Methodists collect 180,000 total pounds of donated food in Super Bowl challenge

  5. Webinars explain advent of EPA & GNJ affiliation  

  6. A Call to Prayer and Action in Response to Gun Violence

  7. IGNITE: A Limitless Impact, a Place to Belong

  8. Stanhope UMC hosts ‘Jazzy Worship’ and pancake breakfast

  9. Church joins in a healing lament after 3 years of Covid

  10. Greater NJ Annual Conference for the UMC {2017}

©2017 Shari DeAngelo

    Message From Bishop Schol | Information Session Follow-up with Poll Data