Showing 171 - 180 of 562
  1. 2021 Annual Conference Profile James Lee: Embracing the Unexpected Light

  2. Greater NJ United Methodist Conference {2016}

© 2016 Shari DeAngelo

    August 2016

  3. Disaster Preparedness: Hermine

  4. March 2016: Culture • Character • Competency - What and how we do things speaks to our ability

  5. Bishops urge prayer, deepened faith in response to Israel tragedy

  6. VOAD: Celebrating 50 Years of Helping Others From Camille to Coronavirus

  7. Greater NJ Annual Conference for the UMC {2017}

©2017 Shari DeAngelo

    Bishop Schol's Easter Message

  8. EPA&GNJ members “Journey with Paul” in Greece

  9. The Thin Line Between Survive and Thrive

  10. Coronavirus Affects Clergy