Showing 181 - 190 of 1734
  1. AFWH

    Partners in Recovery: UMCOR Celebrates the Work of A Future With Hope

  2. The United Methodist Church of Greater New Jersey Facebook Page

  3. Prayers sought for fire-damaged New Jersey UM church, food pantry

  4. Greater NJ Annual Conference for the UMC {2017}

©2017 Shari DeAngelo

    February 2019

  5. GNJ Collectively Commits to Prayer

  6. 2019 United Methodists of Greater New Jersey Safe Sanctuaries Policy

  7. Connectionalism brings new life to VBS ministry

  8. Episcopal Address

  9. GNJUMC Annual Conference 2023

    Possible! Episcopal Address by Bishop John Schol

  10. Progress, Need Mark 3rd Anniversary Of Sandy