Showing 11 - 20 of 329
  1. 2021 Adjourned Annual Conference Session FAQs

  2. Ripping Off the Mask of Racism to See the Gaping Wounds and Heal

  3. We Are Still Here

  4. Greater NJ Annual Conference for the UMC {2017}

©2017 Shari DeAngelo

    An Opportunity to Worship with Bishop Schol

  5. Number Of Churches At 100 Percent Increases In 2015

  6. Jurisdictions advised to elect 14 U.S. bishops

  7. "Pastor reflects on abuses at Indian boarding schools" from UMNews

  8. Ending the Era of Harmful "Indian" Mascots

  9. Retiree Health Insurance FAQ's

  10. GCFA – Rental of Church Steeples to Cell Phone Companies