Showing 11 - 20 of 150
  1. Rooted (GNJUMC Annual Conference 2019)

    Rooted: 2019 Episcopal Address to the 2019 Annual Conference Session of Greater New Jersey United Methodists

  2. The Colorful Right to Vote: How some GNJ churches are working to narrow the gap and make all voices heard

  3. Celebrating Clergywomen during Women's History Month

  4. FAQ's for 2019 October Special Session

  5. The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women is Vital to the United Methodist Church  

  6. Bishop Devadhar, who led with kindness, dies

  7. Celebrating Clergywomen during Women’s History Month, Part 3

  8. General Conference April 29 review

  9. Becoming Not Invisible and Journeying Toward Hope

  10. GNJUMC Annual Conference 2021

    Celebrating God, Ministry, Mission & People at the 2021 Annual Conference