Showing 201 - 210 of 303
  1. January deadlines for churches: Shared Ministry payments; Statistical Reports

  2. Greater New Jersey Rekindles ‘Cross and Flame’ Connection with Tanzania United Methodists

  3. GNJUMC Annual Conference 2023

    Creating a Culture of Calling to Ministry, Part 2

  4. 2024 Open Churches

  5. GNJ’s Disaster Case Management: Being a Light in the Darkness, Part 2*

  6. Church awarded as community’s beacon of ‘Hope’

  7. GNJ Conference workshops to offer hands-on learning

  8. EPA&GNJ Weaves Network of Mutual Ministry Through Affiliation

  9. Finding "Unity in Christ" amidst pains of disaffiliation

  10. Disaffiliation Discernment FAQs