Showing 301 - 310 of 320
  1. Greater NJ Annual Conference for the UMC {2017}

©2017 Shari DeAngelo

    Message from Bishop Schol – Opening Church Buildings

  2. Essential Actions and Updates for the Week of April 20

  3. GNJ STaff Team -- Growing and Changing

  4. 2020 Appointments

  5. Rooted (GNJUMC Annual Conference 2019)

    Message from Bishop Schol | New Law

  6. The Wesleyan Way

  7. Coalitions Call for Ruling in NJ School Segregation Case

  8. Relief, Repair, Rebuild, Renew…Repeat

  9. 2020 Bishop’s Clergy Convocation

  10. Greater NJ Annual Conference for the UMC {2017}

©2017 Shari DeAngelo

    Proposed Plan for Separation of UMC