Showing 31 - 40 of 122
  1. Greater NJ Annual Conference for the UMC {2017}

©2017 Shari DeAngelo

    A Journey of Hope - ACTing to End the Sin of Racism

  2. Connecting to a Journey of Hope

  3. A Journey of Hope

  4. Arena Upload Instructions

  5. UM leaders confirm commitments to survivors at BSA hearing

  6. Greater NJ Annual Conference for the UMC {2017}

©2017 Shari DeAngelo

    Message From Bishop Schol | Information Session Follow-up with Poll Data

  7. Recap: 2021 Annual Conference - Forward

  8. GNJUMC Annual Conference 2021

    Celebrating God, Ministry, Mission & People at the 2021 Annual Conference

  9. GNJUMC Annual Conference 2023

    GNJ Annual Conference encouraged to have faith in Possibility

  10. The Colorful Right to Vote: How some GNJ churches are working to narrow the gap and make all voices heard