Showing 421 - 430 of 1432
  1. Family Ministries Leader, Middletown UMC

  2. Churches Respond to CUMAC. More is Needed.

  3. AFWH

    Partners in Recovery: UMCOR Celebrates the Work of A Future With Hope

  4. Clergy to Discover Anatomy of Peace at Convocation

  5. Essential Actions and Updates for Dec 15

  6. Mustering Up Courage For Those Who Can’t on Peace with Justice Sunday

  7. Update from GNJ The Way Forward Team | June 20 - 21 Meeting

  8. Students Shine with New Scholarships

  9. {United Methodist Church of NJ Conference}

© 2015 Shari DeAngelo

    Message from Bishop Schol - Survey results

  10. On a Journey to Finding Value, Purpose and Hope