Showing 561 - 570 of 760
  1. Thank You for IGNITE 2023! Youth Conference Recap

  2. Youth Representatives from EPA & GNJ Overflow with Excitement and Hope for Jurisdictional Conference

  3. Fall 2024 Lay Servant Ministries Class Schedule

  4. Faith Lessons from Gretna Glen Camp

  5. Bound Brook UMC's Prayer Shawl Ministry Comforts Bodies & Souls

  6. Two Churches Cast Bold Visions, then Boldly Revise

  7. Delegates Eager to Collaborate with Incoming Bishop Moore-Koikoi

  8. Wrestling with Hope: NEJ Begins with Memorial Service and Communion

  9. From a small town, large dreams take flight

  10. Overflowing with Scriptures, Hymns, and Tongsung Prayers: Northeastern Jurisdiction Gathers in Pittsburgh