
The Centenary Fund and Preachers’ Aid Society was established by a charter granted in 1857.  In 2000 the charter was amended to rename the corporation The Centenary Fund and Preachers’ Aid Society of the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church (Fund). The purpose of the Fund is to provide maximum income, consistent with the preservation of principal, for the support of retired and active full time clergy and surviving spouses and dependent children of deceased clergy who have served in the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference.  

Since inception the Fund has received more than $6 million in donations, and from the earnings on these donations has provided grants to pastors and their families who have requested aid, loans to assist retired pastors obtain housing in Methodist Homes, and during the period 2004 through 2017 contributed more than $5 million toward the funding of retiree healthcare.

To continue support for full time retired clergy and their families at the current level of a half million dollars per year for retiree healthcare, donations are needed from pastors and churches and the fund seeks member support to build up the Centenary Fund with your tax-free donations so that The Centenary Fund and Preachers Aid Society will be able to continue to make the substantial contributions needed in the future to fund retiree healthcare and to provide aid to retired and active full time clergy  and their dependents.

Fund Grant Annual Allocation

Each calendar year the Trustees of the Fund allocate a set amount of funds to be used exclusively for individual and family full time retired and active clergy ministers (includes local pastors and deaconate ministers.)

The Board will decide annually on the overall annual and individual grant allocations based on its review of its financial status.  In general, the Board will strive to allocate a maximum of 30% of grant funds per year to current full time active clergy members of the Conference, if and when possible.

Grant Application Process

  1. Eligibility for Fund grants is limited to retired and active full-time clergy and immediate family members of the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference.
  2. Fund grants will be made at the sole discretion of the Trustees of the Fund. Grants are primarily designed to assist in meeting demonstrated emergency needs for housing and living expenses of full time retired clergy and active clergy of the Greater New Jersey Conference and their immediate family members.
  3. The application for each grant will first be reviewed and supported by the District Superintendent in the district where the full time retired or active clergy active or family member currently lives or where the clergy member served.
  4. The attached application will be used for all Fund grant requests.

Download Grant Application Here: