Black lives matter!

Join us at Mission u as we explore what it means to draw closer to God and one another - July 12, 13, & 14, 2024

Come learn with us! During these dates: July 12, 13, & 14 at Centenary University, 400 Jefferson St., Hackettstown, NJ 07823


Jesus told his followers the kin-dom was among them (Luke 17:21). What does that mean? Who does Jesus say will inherit the kin-dom? How do we transform ourselves and our communities in ways that bring us closer to the kin-dom and the kin-dom closer to us? Dive into these questions and more at Mission u 2024 as we examine Scripture together and join in worship, fellowship, and action.

Mission u 2024 offers three exciting curricula on this theme:

Adult Welcome Home by Neomi Fletcher

The adult curriculum uses the image of home to explore how living in close proximity to the kin-dom is like making a home with God. Participants are invited to develop practices for building healthy, welcoming communities as a result of being anchored in the abiding love of God.

YouthCultivating Symbiosis: The Nature of God’s Kin-dom by Nica Sy In Creation, we see the power of symbiosis, or interdependent relationship. The youth curriculum explores the idea of symbiosis between our relation- ships with one another and our relationship with God. By drawing closer to one another and our world, we draw closer to the kin-dom.

Children Me in the Kin-dom by Kathy Cook

The children’s curriculum uses the Lord’s Prayer as a lens to help us see that we are all members of the family of God. Children will begin to understand that the kin-dom is living with Christ and one another on earth as in heaven.

Order your copy of the above books here.

For Any Questions, Contact:

Marcia Roebuck:, Mission u Registrar

Carol Bloch:, Treasurer

Elizabeth:, Dean

Here’s a flyer for more information, please share!